Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The water systems of New

Monday, January 19, 2009


I read a reference to Orwell's famous essay on politics and the English language, which made me want to go read it. I found a copy here. In fact this site contains searchable versions of all of Orwell's works. Homage to Catalonia is one of my favorite books.

Martha's Table

Wondering about opportunities to volunteer on MLK day, which made me think of Martha's Table. I worked there many times while growing up in Washington DC.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Writing is On The Wall

This is the most revealing map that I've seen in a while - when the New York Times produced this map, they put it on the front page and I wish there was a way of linking directly to it. Go here, then select "Voting Shifts" in the left hand side bar. The red areas are the only areas of Republican strength in 2008. Party leaders know they've painted themselves into a corner - they are at risk of being limited to no longer national party of southern, white, rural resentment.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Greening Cities Can Help Reduce Crime and Poverty

"...scientists have begun to examine how the city affects the brain, and the results are chastening. Just being in an urban environment, they have found, impairs our basic mental processes. After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control.

...human attention is a scarce resource -- focusing in the morning makes it harder to focus in the afternoon...

...[researchers] measured the two groups on a variety of tasks, from basic tests of attention to surveys that looked at how the women were handling major life challenges. She found that living in an apartment with a view of greenery led to significant improvements in every category.

...Related research has demonstrated that increased "cognitive load" -- like the mental demands of being in a city -- makes people more likely to choose chocolate cake instead of fruit salad, or indulge in a unhealthy snack. This is the one-two punch of city life: It subverts our ability to resist temptation even as it surrounds us with it, from fast-food outlets to fancy clothing stores. The end result is too many calories and too much credit card debt.

...City life can also lead to loss of emotional control. [Researchers] found less domestic violence in the apartments with views of greenery. These data build on earlier work that demonstrated how aspects of the urban environment, such as crowding and unpredictable noise, can also lead to increased levels of aggression. A tired brain, run down by the stimuli of city life, is more likely to lose its temper.

... [A] recent paper demonstrated that the psychological benefits of green space are closely linked to the diversity of its plant life. When a city park has a larger variety of trees, subjects that spend time in the park score higher on various measures of psychological well-being, at least when compared with less biodiverse parks.

...When a park is properly designed, it can improve the function of the brain within minutes. As the [one] study demonstrates, just looking at a natural scene can lead to higher scores on tests of attention and memory.

[Other] research ... used a set of complex mathematical algorithms to demonstrate that the very same urban features that trigger lapses in attention and memory -- the crowded streets, the crushing density of people -- also correlate with measures of innovation, as strangers interact with one another in unpredictable ways. It is the "concentration of social interactions" that is largely responsible for urban creativity, according to the scientists. The density of 18th-century London may have triggered outbreaks of disease, but it also led to intellectual breakthroughs, just as the density of Cambridge -- one of the densest cities in America -- contributes to its success as a creative center. One corollary of this research is that less dense urban areas, like Phoenix, may, over time, generate less innovation. The key, then, is to find ways to mitigate the psychological damage of the metropolis while still preserving its unique benefits.

From an article in the Boston Globe. Click here to view the article.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I decided to try to find some of "the classics"

The Art of Sabrage

I think we have to try "sabering" a champagne bottle soon. Here's a video with instructions on how to safely open a champagne bottle with a sword (or machete, or even the dull side of a chef's knife) at home. Of course we'll need something to celebrate.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Roller Derby

New York City is playing the best roller derby in the country: our Gotham Girls are the 2008 national champions.

"The 2009 schedule is To Be Determined, but will likely kick off in April and run through November with another exciting season of battle between the Mayhem, Bombshells, Gridlock and Pain."

Friday, January 2, 2009

rose bushes

Most rose pruning is done in the spring, with the blooming of the forsythia as a signal to get moving...

Pruning rose bushes: link